Zomato-Health Zone

Incorporating a “Health-Zone” feature on Zomato to enable users to opt for healthy food items.


How to help individuals who get food delivered frequently make better healthier choices so they can achieve their health goals?


Project Domain

Food Tech.


20 Days



Target Audience

Adults of 20-40 Years


  1. A dedicated healthy food discovery interface by the name “Health Zone” on the app

  1. Adding the reviews button for each dish available at a restaurant

  1. Displaying customer’s day wise total nutrient intake through Zomato

  1. Adding a nutrition filter to get refined results as per customer’s diet goals


Why is this a problem?

  • People are becoming health conscious due to increased health issues hence they want healthier food options.

  • More people are working out, hence they need healthy food options advised for their diet.

  • People who order frequently from food apps, can’t have unhealthy food daily, so need healthier options

  • For the well being of their mental health, people are switching to healthy food options

How did this problem arise ?

  • More People are ordering online, but less healthy options at restaurants

  • Ordering food by tapping accounts to no energy spent, hence increased convenience leads to more ordering

What drives the problem?

  • No control over the ingredients of food ordered online, Or less knowledge of ingredients

  • Less or no options for healthy food on the apps.

  • Most Restaurants are less concerned about the nutrition in the food But just the taste.

  • Social media creating awareness about healthy food.

  • Obesity, diabetes and other lifestyle health issues rising in young adults (Target audience for food delivery apps).

  • People concerned about the environment avoid unhealthy food as they are processed and usually factory made which takes a toll on the environment.

  • Convenience of ordering food online anytime, anywhere, makes it easy to give in to the temptation for foods which may be tasty but may not be healthy.

  • Users not able to monitor how many calorie Intake had been done from food ordered online

  • With the ease of online food ordering, User tend to buy repeatedly


Market Research

Launched Health Hub where select restaurants curate menus and share detailed nutritional information on macronutrients for dishes with customers. It will further assists consumers in deciding what to order after restaurants share detailed nutritional information on macronutrients like protein, carbs, fats etc for dishes.

launched an in-app feature which lists calorie counts next to menu options.

They use healthier alternatives for some ingredients, like some superfoods, remove processed ingredients.

Healthy subscription services, which offer either prepped ingredients or premade recipes and meals, are easy to pull together, taste delicious, are shipped to home.


Uber Eats


Rebels foods

launched healthy food brand 500 Calorie Project providing guilt-free yet healthy salads.

Health Chef, SunBasket

What worked and what did not ?

  • Swiggy HealthHub, witnessed high traction in Bengaluru, Delhi, Mumbai and Hyderabad. The highest increase in healthy food orders on Swiggy HealthHub was seen by Bengaluru at 130%. 127% increase in orders for dishes based on Supergrains followed by vegan (50% rise), high-protein (49%) and keto-friendly dishes (46%).People also liked healthy versions of salads, sandwiches and ice creams on the app in the year 2020.

  • Since Body weight is not the only measure of health and calorie content is not the only measure that determines how healthy a food is. Lots of people would be healthier if they lost some weight, but not everyone. It makes difficult for people suffering from eating disorder to maintain a healthy relation with food.

User Research

Typical users of diet Applications

  • 18 to 45 year old usually use apps to track their diet and nutrition.

  • People on special diets

  • Parents, College students and young adults

  • Working professionals

  • Cultural creatives, for whom healthy food is a choice based on an overall desire to live well, integrating holistic eating with sensible, sustainable lifestyle choices.

  • Affluent Customers : Since usually healthy food tends to cost more than unhealthy, processed food, healthy eating can be a smart lifestyle choice, and it can also be a status symbol, a luxury enjoyed disproportionately by people who can afford it.


  • People with smartphones and experience using apps between 18 and 35 years are potential customers for Zomato.

  • It aims to attract two customer base, those who prefer to eat out and those who want to order food delivered to their homes.

  • People who are employed and need food in their offices

  • Students who live in hostels and need food, those who lack the time or space to prepare their meals, and those who occasionally enjoy eating out.


  • 18 Users participated in the survey

  • 14 - working professional

  • 4 - Students


  • 83.3% Say they order food online at least 2- 3 times a week

  • 55.6% People said that they require Nutrient information along with calorie count

  • 72.2% Say they order food from the healthy section of the of the app only sometimes.

When asked what problems were encountered while ordering food online, these were top three:

  • Expensive charges

  • less options available in healthy food section

  • less options available in healthy food section

When asked what they like about online food ?

  • Taste of the food, was the top answer

When asked what they like about Home cooked meal?

  • Knowledge of ingredients was the top answer

Research Conclusions

  • If some feature is visible prominently, they will opt more

  • To know if something is healthy or not is known by some facts learned universally or from childhood

  • Health awareness happened after learning some facts about the body

  • Salads and subs are the only options known as healthy

  • Knowledge of deficiencies led them to know what lacks hence they search for those food containing those nutrients

Following user personas and journey map incorporate the user research insights:



  • Users need to see something more in order to opt it

  • Calorie information alone cannot help in understanding the nutrition of the food

  • Users need to know the food’s nutritional value other than its taste


A Dedicated section on the home page by the name “Health Zone” for the healthy food options to create more visibility

Display of health facts to keep Users intrigued

Health Zone Opens to give specific curation of healthy food option, such as healthy restaurants in the Indian cuisine section and quick healthy snacks

An option to know the count of daily total nutrient intake through Zomato

The screen gives the total nutrient count from the food ordered on Zomato, Day wise, so that one can regulate their diet

Addition of Nutrition filter to get more refined result

The nutrition filter includes a slider to select the range of nutrient

The reviews button added after the ratings section to get the review for that food item for better judgement

Reviews section for the food item includes the rating based on customer input for its Ingredients and nutritional value

The card of information can be shared using the share option at the right bottom

The view orders option will lead to the order history of the customer to know more about what was ordered




  • Usability testing revealed that there is a requirement for more options in the nutrition filter

  • Reviews section though helpful in some cases might not work for all the people as only 2 out of 4 participants clicked on to the reviews button naturally


  • This opens space for more exploration in the categories page for restaurants in the healthy foods section

  • Creating a guiding script before a user interview made it easy to carry out the interviews.


  • Questioning “Why” for every design element helps solidify the purpose of it being there.

  • More restaurants should be encouraged to provide the nutritional information o the app about every dish made.